With all the things happening in the world with the pandemic, we wanted to help in our own way.We believe just a little bit of self care helps uplift the spirits. We love our skincare here at Jayjun,and we know that taking care of yourself often takes a backseat to other priorities in life. We saw there was a need for these frontline workers to get some relief one way or another.
This message from Montefiore Health System really sealed the deal for us: “We are all broken, tired, exhausted. Dry, cracked hands from excessive washing. Acne and blemishes from wearing masks all day. We are receiving no hazard pay or bonuses and are working extra over time, 12 hour days - most of which are filled with death and dying. ” said a physician assistant atER.
Day in and day out, these nurses are putting their lives on the line as well as their faces. They often have to double up on the masks which in turn leads to irritation, markings, and acne breakouts, as the physician assistant above has said. With little contact with fresh air, the mixture of sweat and oil from the skin, and bacteria in the masks, it can wreak havoc on the skin.
By giving them a different mask to trade in the one they wear all day long, it will offer soothing relief. We sent a variety of masks such as our Essential Mask line, Gold Mask, and Luminous. Each one with ingredients we know will help relax, soothe, and offer relief to their stressed skin. It will calm their blemishes, hydrate the skin, and most importantly, give them the comfort of healthy skin.
Thank you to all the frontline workers who do the most for us day in and day out. We are happy to make you feel beautiful when in times such as these it is easy to disregard and cast aside.
Here are some photos we received from the nurses with their masks and we are so happy we could help!